
Media owner and responsible for the content

Wollerei - Der Onlineshop für edle Wolle
Mag. Jörg Schönberger
Grazer Straße 90/1
2700 Wiener Neustadt

Phone: +43 699 10330775
Info, data protection information and complaints at:

Owner: Mag. Jörg Schönberger (Address as above)

Object of the company: trade in hand knitting yarns and accessories
Member of WKNÖ, regional department for mail order, internet and general trade (0318)
Trade authority: Magistrat Wiener Neustadt
Trade regulations: ( )

UID: ATU64698045

ARA-License 19360
ZSVR-Number: DE5167148427520
UIN-Number: FR293169_01KAZP

EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:

Bank details

Jörg Schönberger
Bank: Die Erste
IBAN: AT96 2011 1300 3364 8365


All contents on this website are protected by copyright. The texts and product photos may not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Any use, in particular storage in databases, reproduction, distribution, editing and any form of commercial use and disclosure to third parties - even in part or in revised form - without the consent of Wollerei, MEZ, Atelier Zitron, Gedifra, Sesia or Austermann is prohibited.

Product pictures of Regia/Anchor/Schachenmayr yarns and designs with kind permission of MEZ GmbH
Product pictures of Atelier Zitron yarns and designs with kind permission of Atelier Zitron
Product pictures of Sesia yarns and designs with kind permission of Sesia
Product pictures of Austermann yarns and designs with kind permission of Austermann
Product pictures of Gedifra yarns and designs with kind permission of Gedifra

Thanks for the icons of the payment methods and shipping methods (Creative Commons license) to

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